My Photo of Steve Ballmer Published in Metro

by Chris Silver Smith

Edition of the Metro which published one of my photosWhile speaking at SMX West, I photographed Steve Ballmer’s keynote interview.

Just as I frequently do, I uploaded the photo to Flickr, and added description notes to the photos which invited bloggers and news reporters to use the photos in return for an attribution link.

I’ve had photos used frequently in online media, but this is one of the rare occasions when one of my pics has appeared in print media. The Metro, Silicon Valley’s weekly newspaper, picked up one of my photos and reproduced it in their column about Steve Ballmer’s keynote.

Providing easy licensing arrangements and sharing photos is good for SEO, as I’ve blogged about before — providing photos in return for a link is really a win-win for everyone involved. On the face of it, you might think that having my by-line appearing in a print piece would be worthless in terms of SEO. However, as scanned pages hit the internet, it’s possible that even domain names embedded within images could be used via OCR as positive reference citations.

Steve Ballmer in Metro News


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